Business Services

From starting your new business, to taking the next step, the Wyper Law team will help you succeed.

Get advice early

Paying for advice at the start of your business venture can be significantly cheaper than paying to resolve problems later. Contact us to discuss how to start your business with confidence.

Choose the right business structure

Wyper Law can explain the different business structures available to you and advise on the best one for your business.

If you choose to incorporate, we can set the company up for you and explain how you can protect your business with shareholders' agreements.

If you're working with a partner, we can help you protect your interests with partnership agreements.

Take advantage of tax benefits

If you decide to incorporate, there may be a number of tax benefits. Your business will pay tax on its profits separately from its shareholders, which may lead to an overall savings of tax paid. For a company, you may receive dividends, as well as a salary. Dividends are taxed a lower rate than salaries. Wyper Law can advise you on whether incorporating makes sense for your business, including the tax benefits of incorporating.

Choose the right sources of financing

There may be different sources of finance available to you, and each has different legal implications. Wyper Law will help you understand your rights and obligations for each option you are considering.

Choose a business name

Your business name is an important part of your brand identity. Wyper Law can help you select a name that fits your business, and can be protected with your brand.

Organize your business properly, from the start

Having your business's articles and agreements in place at the start of your business venture will help you avoid disputes later. Wyper Law will help you address issues like: What if I fall out with my business partner? What happens if I become ill? What if my business partner dies? Are my assets protected?

Choose your location

When choosing premises for your business, Wyper Law will help you understand the terms of the lease. Can your landlord increase the rent? Can your service charges be increased? * If you choose to run your business from home, what are the restrictions?

Put it in writing

Wyper Law will help you make sure agreements with employees, investors, suppliers and customers are properly recorded. If problems come up, a written agreement will help you enforce your business's rights.

Get the right insurance

Wyper Law will help you identify the risks facing your business, so that you can arrange suitable insurance.

Protect your intellectual property

Wyper Law will help you identify and protect your intellectual property, including inventions, creative works, and trademarks.

Know your legal obligations

In your business, it's important that you know your obligations and fulfill them. Wyper Law can help you ensure you comply with the laws and regulations that apply to your business.